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Examinations Division

The overarching goal of the Examinations Division is to provide efficient and high quality service to all University customers with respect to the administration of examinations, the availability of examination grades and transcripts and all the other related services offered by the Division.

Our Services

Safety & Security

We ensure that classes, examinations, and all other related activities are conducted in a safe and comfortable environment


We ensure that an adequate quantity of trained invigilators is provided at a timely manner as is required


We verify the academic transcripts of all current and past students; and to ensure the efficient discharge of same

Quality & Integrity

We facilitate the conduct of all examinations in an efficient, secure and transparent manner to guarantee quality and integrity at all times

Question Papers

Facilitate the rapid, efficient and confidential production of sufficient quantities of question papers


We facilitate the procedure for review of final grades


We ensure and enhance the integrity of submission, approval, storage and retrieval of the official results of all students

Academic Profiles

We ensure the accuracy of all academic profiles


We monitor the approval of grades at all Faculty Board of Examiners Meeting


Provide safe/secure storage for all examination scripts & question papers