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General Admission Requirements

You are a high school student at least sixteen (16) years of age in the calendar year of admission.

Entry Requirements For Degree Programmes

  1. Three (3) subjects at the GCE Advanced Level plus two (2) subjects at CXC/CSEC General Proficiency/GCE. Ordinary Level not obtained at Advanced Level. English Language and in most cases Mathematics must be among the subjects obtained.
  2. Two (2) subjects at the GCE Advanced Level plus three (3) subjects at CXC/CSEC General Proficiency/GCE Ordinary Level not obtained at Advanced Level. English Language and in some cases Mathematics must be among the subjects passed.
  3. A minimum of five (5) CXC/CSEC General Proficiency (Grades I & II; and III from 1998) /five (5) passes at GCE ‘O’ Level, including English Language, the subject(s) required for the pursuit of the major, where applicable, and Mathematics for designated programmes.
  4. Persons of mature age (a minimum of 26 years in the calendar year of entry to the University) who do not meet the minimum requirements but who can satisfy the University that they have had a suitable education may be considered for admission.

Where there is a variation of the above, it will be shown under the respective Faculty’s admission requirements.


  • The acceptance of CXC/CSEC Grade III applies only to the results for examinations taken in June 1998 and thereafter.
  • Applicants with five or six subjects, as stipulated above, without the requisite English or Mathematics or any other prescribed subject, at the acceptable grade, may be permitted to write a Qualifying Examination in the respective subject area or do the foundation course offered by IDCE in the respective subject area.
  • Applicants who possess either of the basic entry requirements mentioned above but still do not satisfy the requirements of a particular Department may be required to pass the prescribed foundation courses where offered.
  • Applicants of mature age (i.e. a minimum of 26 years in the calendar year in which entry is being sought) who do not meet any of the admission requirements will be required to write the UG Entrance Examination.
  • Students who were previously admitted to the University and who attended and successfully completed at least a semester or, at most a year, may be granted re-entry on the basis of the following:
    • Their pre-university qualifications and their university credits even though the criterion under which they were admitted previously no longer pertains.
    • These persons must have been students within the preceding five (5) years of application.
  • Applicants may be asked to attend Interviews.

Entry Requirements For Diploma/Associate Degree/Certificate Programmes

  1. (1) Five (5) GCE ‘O’ level/ 5 CXC/CSEC General Proficiency passes including English Language and Mathematics.
  2. Persons of mature age (a minimum of 26 years in the calendar year of entry to the University) who do not meet the minimum requirements but who can satisfy the University that they have had a suitable education may be considered for admission.

You are a student who has been properly admitted to, and has been attending a regular degree programme at a recognized University.

A student who has been properly admitted to, and has been attending a regular degree programme at a recognized University, may apply for admission to the University of Guyana as a Transfer Student. A Certificate of studentship from his/her University and other relevant information must be submitted at the time the application is made. A person satisfying the requirements of a Transfer Student may be admitted to the appropriate University programme on the recommendation of the Faculty Board.

A Transfer student may be admitted with Advanced Standing and permitted to transfer his/her credits to a degree programme at the University of Guyana provided that at least one-half of the courses required for the degree, including the courses for the final year, are taken at the University of Guyana. Credits may be transferred (see Transfer of Credits) only where the courses from the other University are deemed by the University of Guyana to be equivalent to its own courses.

A student, who has properly completed a degree programme at the University of Guyana, may apply for admission to another programme. Such a student will be permitted to transfer relevant credits to the new programme provided that at least one-half of its courses, including the courses for the final year, are taken as part of the new programme. The original qualification should normally have been gained within the previous five years (See Exemptions). (This regulation applies with equal force to students registered for the Associate Degree programmes in the Faculty of Health Sciences).

A candidate who is seeking admission on an advanced-standing basis must submit to the Office of the Registrar a detailed transcript issued by the University attended, as well as the syllabi of courses passed.

You do not wish to pursue a Degree, Diploma or Certificate programmes but wish to improve professional skills or bring yourselfe up-to-date in a particular field.

Candidates who do not wish to pursue Degree, Diploma or Certificate programmes but who wish to improve professional skills or bring themselves up-to-date in a particular field are designated Special Students.

Candidates may be admitted as Special Students in any of the following categories:

  • Graduates of Degree programmes from other Universities may register for a maximum of six (6) semester courses per academic year, where necessary, for work towards a higher degree.
  • Graduates of Diploma and certificate programmes from the University of Guyana may register for a maximum of four (4) semester courses per academic year.
  • Non-Graduates may register for a maximum of two (2) courses per semester. Their selection of courses would be determined by their certified knowledge base or verifiable experience.
  • A person may be admitted as a Special Student on any number of occasions but only up to such time as he/she would have completed successfully the following number of semester courses as a Special Student:
    • Graduates of Degree Programmes - 12
    • Graduates of UG Diploma/Certificate Programmes - 8
    • Non-graduates - 6


A person applying for admission as a Special Student must have at least the basic admission requirements or, where relevant, adequate experience in the particular field.

A Special Student may be admitted only if there is a place in the class after all the Regular Students have registered and permission has been granted by the appropriate Head of Department and Lecturer.

A Special Student’s performance at the Annual Examinations will be awarded the letter grade earned. However, the letter grade obtained as a Special Student will not be used towards the computation of the candidate’s Grade Point Average if he/she is subsequently admitted as a Regular Student and the courses passed forms part of his/her programme.

A Special Student subsequently admitted as a Regular student may be exempted from any course passed as a Special Student provided that the specific Faculty regulations permit such exemption.

Undergraduates registered at other Universities may be admitted to selected courses with the approval of the Academic Board.

Applications for admission as a Special Student must be made online by the published closing date in the year during which admission is sought. Applicants will be required to submit original academic documents and birth certificates or other acceptable evidence in support of their applications.

In special circumstances, late applications may be accepted (See Procedures for Withdrawal).